cDNA Synthesis Kit
cDNA synthesis is a crucial step in RNA quantification. To perform PCR-based analyses, all RNA must first be reverse transcribed into complementary DNA (cDNA) using a cDNA synthesis kit or an RT-PCR kit.
The choice of primers is a key factor in cDNA synthesis. Standard options include oligo(dT) primers, random hexamers, or target-specific primers. This choice can significantly impact reverse transcription efficiency, which in turn affects the final qPCR results.
To monitor reverse transcription efficiency, we recommend using an RNA spike-in control or, even better, spiking with the actual target RNA at a known concentration, such as the siRNA or the mRNA.
As a CRO specializing in assay design for bioanalysis in drug development, we offer a range of sensitive and easy-to-use cDNA synthesis kits.
TATAA GrandScript cDNA Synthesis Kit
This RT-PCR kit provides a ready-to-use RT reaction mix containing random hexamer primers and oligo(dT) primers, ensuring efficient conversion of all RNA into cDNA with a streamlined workflow. Add the included reverse transcriptase and your RNA template.
TATAA GrandScript cDNA Supermix
The cDNA Supermix is an all-in-one solution for cDNA synthesis designed for simplicity and convenience. This single-tube mix contains the reverse transcriptase enzyme, oligo(dT) primers, and random primers. All you need to do is add your RNA template.
TATAA Grandscript cDNA FreePrime Kit
This cDNA synthesis kit offers flexibility in primer selection. It includes both random primers and oligo(dT) primers, allowing you to choose the best option for your needs. You can experiment with different primers to determine which provides the highest RT-efficiency and the best quality cDNA for your downstream applications.
The best results require the best reagents.
At TATAA Biocenter, we specialize in designing, optimizing, and validating qPCR and dPCR assays for cell and gene therapy bioanalysis. Whether the goal is to measure how a gene product distributes in the body, assess environmental shedding, or evaluate transgene expression across different tissues, the assay must perform with precision and reliability.
As the authors of the MIQE guidelines, TATAA Biocenter has always prioritized developing and using control assays and reagents that ensure the highest quality and accuracy in every result.